Business Coaching TEAM

Jeff Rogers
CEO & Certified Professional
Master Business Coach

Michelle Fontaine
Certified Professional
Business Coach

J. “Boomer” Stufflebeem
Vice Admiral, Ret. & Certified
Professional Master Business Coach

Greg Smith
CPA & Certified Professional
Business Coach

Recipient of the 2019 Professional Business Coach of the Year from the PBCA USA.
About Jeff Rogers
Certified Professional Master Business Coach
Jeff Rogers is an accomplished Award Earning Executive Business Coach, Entrepreneur, and Professional Trainer who builds & empowers successful and emerging business leaders. He holds his certification from the Professional Business Coaching Alliance.
Rogers focuses on providing custom coaching for entrepreneurs, business leaders, C-suite executives, and management teams. Together, Jeff and his clients develop clarity of purpose to maximize results using proven strategies to enhance business structures and personal accountability.
Jeff’s extensive leadership experiences provide clients with a warm, trusting, and safe environment to become laser-focused on optimal results. His system is designed to develop and strengthen core leadership competencies in areas such as Executive Branding, Marketing & Advertising, Leadership Team Development, Systems & Procedural Manuals, Business Finance Management, HR & Staff Development, and Customer Service.
In addition, Rogers works with our nation’s brave, motivated veterans through the Institute for Veteran’s & Military Families located at Syracuse University. In this partnership, Jeff travels the world to Introduce entrepreneurship to Veterans separating from military service looking to begin their businesses. These efforts are a true passion of Jeff and provide his life with personal fulfillment and purpose.
Rogers also leads an initiative to develop family businesses in regional communities as the Executive Director of the NYS Family Business Center at the Madden School of Business at Lemoyne College in Syracuse, NY. Jeff is responsible for creating and facilitating thoughtful programming which engages family businesses to overcome various market challenges using modern, strategic business solutions and resources to produce transformational results.
In addition, Jeff gives back his business knowledge to the next generation of business leaders as an Adjunct Professor of Practice at Syracuse University’s Whitman School of Management, Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprise. In this capacity, Jeff instructs the Intro to Entrepreneurship course, a core component of a nationally ranked entrepreneurship program.
In his personal life, Jeff is the proud father of four adult children in a blended family and married to Patricia Rogers. Together, they reside in Syracuse, NY.

About Michelle Fontaine
Certified Professional Business Coach
Michelle Fontaine, CPBC joins JRCI as a Certified Professional Business Coach having completed the JRCI EOEDS 1.0-4.0 series. Michelle is now concentrating on Supervisor/Manager Development, Sales Development, and Business Systems. Michelle is also the VP of Accounts at Visual Technologies, an audio-visual company located in Central New York. For over thirty years, she has enjoyed working with many types of clientele; corporate, non-profit, higher education, military, and government as well as managing and developing talent within the company. She has found it very rewarding to be part of a company that can help anyone express their vision or experience through multimedia production and staging.
In 2017, Visual Technologies began a coaching contract and executive training series with JRCI, to improve the corporation. The value that was presented and the positive impact that occurred when coaching strategies were implemented made a great impression on her. With the many changes that were introduced to the world in 2020, she began to concentrate on becoming a coach and playing a role of purpose; to help others overcome obstacles and to help guide them to their next best selves.
Over the years, Michelle has also devoted time to several local organizations, CNY Sales & Marketing Executives being her favorite. Throughout her time there, she has held the roles of VP of Finance, VP of Programs, VP of Membership, and President. Her most enjoyable role has been that of the Crystal Ball Committee Chair. The Crystal Ball Award is given out yearly to a local philanthropist. In this position, Michelle has worked closely with some incredible “local heroes”. Working with the organization leaders, like-minded professionals, and various teams on all levels of the corporate ladder has been an enriching experience for her.
Also, through CNY Sales & Marketing Executives, Michelle could get involved and give back to Hillside Work Scholarship Connection. Hillside Agency helps youth stay in school, earn their high school diploma, and prepare for secondary education or employment. CNYSME was able to give scholarships, assemble trade shows, and speak to area youth who are challenged by socioeconomic factors about careers that may interest them. Michelle is passionate about guiding the youth of today into career paths where they will excel in the future.

About J. “Boomer” Stufflebeem
Certified Professional Master Business Coach
John’s experience, expertise, and forte are in effective leadership of complex organizations and, particularly, ones suffering crises. He is a former professional football player followed by a thirty-three-year career as a military officer and U.S. Navy aircraft carrier fighter pilot. He earned his nickname, “Boomer”, as a football player that followed him as a callsign into the cockpits of jet fighters deploying eleven times “down range” and more than eight years away from his family to trouble spots around the globe.
Through this journey he learned the art of elite teamwork as a football player, then as a leader in multiple deadly crises overseas as well as in the Pentagon during the attacks of 9/11, to today as an executive and business coach. From these, he developed a passion for pinnacle leadership development, and as a calling, he forwent traditional Defense Contractor corporate work after his military career and established his consultancy in 2008 to follow his passion for developing leaders with a specialty of leadership during crisis.
As a former professional football player, he understands the needs of pro football clubs and teamwork at the elite level. As a John “Boomer” Stufflebeem, CPBC-proven combat leader and retired U.S. Navy admiral, he understands and translates the critical lessons of leadership in any dynamic environment for business.
With an expertise founded in the experiences of teamwork as a professional athlete and team leading as a military officer, John provides services through a proven military planning and response process translated for a broad array of clients that presently and have included: the New England Patriots; the Detroit Lions; the Houston Texans; advisory boards of such companies as ADARA Networks of Silicon Valley helping to guide the company in its meteoric rise in the world of Software Defined Networking; and, The American College of Financial Services, Penn Mutual Center for Veterans Affairs. Additionally, he previously served the needs of the Lockheed-Martin Corporation
“Boomer” credits his successes today to the lessons he learned during his crucibles under fire in the military that included service in combat during every major military campaign from 1993 through 2007. In addition to leading hundreds of air combat sorties he amassed more than 1,000 aircraft carrier landings during those campaigns beginning with his initial team leader qualification after two extended deployments to the harsh Indian Ocean/Persian Gulf during the Iran hostage crisis. As a result, he was identified for and designated a weapons training instructor after successfully completing the fiercely competitive Navy Fighter Weapons School course, Topgun.
He ultimately led as a Chief Executive Officer as a Vice Admiral in the U.S. Navy at the operational level of war as Commander U.S. 6th Fleet deploying in combat to Lebanon during the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict and rescuing 20,000+ Americans out of Lebanon and reinforcing the U.S. Embassy in Beirut; supporting Special Operations Forces in Africa as the maritime component commander to Africa Command; and deploying as a NATO commander leading the Alliance’s first-ever out of area deployment into Pakistan. As a Navy admiral, he led thousands of troops in harm’s way in Iraq, Lebanon, and Africa to victory without ever losing any of his warriors. He was cited by former U.S. Presidents, George H.W. and George W. Bush as “the greatest return on our investment” in American leadership.
In non-deploying rotations he served as a weapons instructor during tours as an exchange aggressor pilot to the Israeli Air Force, a Topgun instructor-adversary pilot, and war planner in the Pentagon. He additionally served as Executive Assistant to two of the Navy’s Chief of Naval Operations, or CEOs of the Navy. He was in the Pentagon and on the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Staff, during 9/11 and earned the colloquial “Jedi Knight” designation in joint force employment after putting together and leading a special activities team devising the initial response plan in Afghanistan for the National Command Authorities (President and Secretary of Defense) and U.S. Central Command.
Earlier in his career, he was a team leader of the National Emergency Actions Operations for President George H.W. Bush in the White House carrying the nuclear “football” as his aide.
Education and Training
“Boomer” graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy where he started in Division I football and received subsequent professional training from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service (Global Leadership Seminar), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for International Studies (Seminar XXI), University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business (Senior Leadership Seminar), National Defense University (Pinnacle Leadership Course), U.S. Army War College (Land Component Commander Leaders Course), NATO National Defense College (Ambassadors and Senior Leaders Seminar), and the Center for Creative Leadership (Leadership at the Peak).
Positions and Membership
John served as chairman of the board of trustees of Randolph-Macon Academy, the prep school he attended in Virginia prior to attending Annapolis as well as a board advisor to The American College of Financial Services’ Penn Mutual Center for Veterans Affairs. Boomer is also a member of the Professional Business Coaches Alliance (PBCA).
He is a life member of the NFLPA having played football for the Detroit Lions in the late 1970s but felt compelled to chase his heart and trade uniforms to become a fighter pilot in the fifth year of his contract. He is a mentor for transitioning military warriors and an advocate for those Veterans and athletes suffering the ravages of Traumatic Brain Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Post-Concussion Syndrome. He is a participant of the Harvard Football Players Health Study and Concussion Legacy Foundation researching the fatal Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) having donated his brain and spine for posthumous research.

About Greg Smith
Certified Professional Business Coach
Greg has developed a significant professional background working in various industries. With a background in sales, sales management, leadership, and people development, Greg brings great value to JRCI.
Greg Smith has participated in all levels of the EOEDS 1.0 – 4.0 programming with JRCI and led his cohort to success. Jeff Rogers asked Greg to work with him and Jeff’s students at Syracuse University, Whitman School of Management, EEE370 Entrepreneurship class for four years, teaching the accounting section. Each semester Greg’s session was one of the most special to the students.
Greg is a tax senior manager with Dermody, Burke & Brown, CPAs, LLC, and a business coach with Jeffrey A. Rogers Executive Business Coaching. Greg’s experiences as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Certified Professional Business Coach (CPBC) bring detailed knowledge and skill to the team.
Greg can understand the needs of business owners and executives to provide day-to-day tax and accounting consulting and leadership coaching to empower leaders to continue growing daily. Greg was asked to join the team based on his vast business knowledge and skillset and because he has a unique ability to break complex matters into digestible and useable information.
Education, Certifications, and Boards:
- Treasurer of the New York Family Business Center at the Madden School of Business at Le Moyne College
- Treasurer of The Orchard Church
Recognition and Awards
Central New York Forty Under Forty Honoree
Business coaching is an investment that
pays dividents for a lifetime
Mission, Vision, Values
We intend to improve the way in which business owners and managers address daily tasks.
Why Coaching?
Business coaches help business owners (or business leaders) in business effectiveness and personal effectiveness.
Is Coaching Right for Me?
When your vision is your mission, the little things mean a lot. Coaching is the rocket fuel.